Listen to the Indigenous peoples and their respect for wolves

The reason elders respect the wolves
if they of course did live
out there in the countryside
and both of them did give
much back to the planet
in their own instinctive ways
each respected what the other did
and it all plays
into a natural vision
of how the West was made
introducing ranches
has truthfully now laid
a burden on the wild life
and the wilder realms beyond
and the ranchers might be adamant
and not particularly fond
of wolves, because they damage stock
well what do you expect them to do
you protect your cattle
they were there long before you

The elders they are wise men
they lived out in the air
they bathed inside the rivers
the countryside they share
ranchers they are molly coddled
lobbyists do shout
because they have the money
they can orchestrate a rout
but remember all the wild one’s
have such knowledge and can use
a great deal of it, its sustainable
and they don’t abuse

anyone or anything
that’s the hunters ploy
they will kill more than they want
killing brings them joy
and sexual gratification
not so the tribes who live
and die out in the forests
for them they also give

back a lot of effort
in maintaining all we see
in harvesting the wild fruits
and the wild nuts from the tree
they know what is available
and the season when they grow
they understand the planet
and are in the know

so listen when they tell you
the wolf must stay around
he’s needed in the countryside
and should be always found
to slaughter them like crazy
which is what the hunters do
is bringing perils to the land
which will re bound on you

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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