Category Archives: thoughts of friends who have passed on

A lame cow crying on the way to the slaughterhouse

She’s remembering the calves she’s lost They all died be4her It’s her turn now Life of a cow Cut short by pain &grief Continually raped & tortured Her life beyond belief 4 milk 4 veal 4leather Kidnap yes she knew&now … Continue reading

Posted in A country tale, A not my king story, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Business Management, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, Child exploitation, children and their plight in a adult world, Corporate manslaughter, cow hides, Dairy farmers criminals, Death and Dying, Disrespect of female animals, Drowning our sorrows, Duty of care was never there, Eating living beings, Emotional Poems, Farming, Fashion and animals, Food, Food Processing, Humanity is a shithouse, Lack of understanding, LEATHER, Meat trade, Mothers, Pain, Pesticides, Rape, Sharing death, slaughterhouses and operatives, SLAVERY, The skin trade, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Torture, Unborn yet able to see my dead mother, vaccinations | Leave a comment


Ordering a Turkey is signing its death Warrant you did it Extinguished its breath Broke it’s heart Stole its soul It’s adversity You control Imagine it’s loss Do you give a toss

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, Christmas Stories, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, slaughterhouses and operatives, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Turkeys, Turkeys and Chickens, Unrequited Love, VEGAN LIFE STYLE, Vegan Lifestyle, veganism and me | Leave a comment

Forced to walk into the slaughter area

They just about walk by themselves yes they do Bashed from the back it all feels untrue They don’t wish to be Slaughtered today They can smell death And can hear the decay The stench of fear Man in his … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, camela, children and their plight in a adult world, Corporate manslaughter, Dairy farmers criminals, Death and Dying, Disrespect of female animals, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Farming, Food Processing, Haiti, Humanity is a shithouse, Kosher, Lambs and Sheep, Pigs, Starvation and the Poor, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Wild boars | Leave a comment


Glastonbury snorts at the evil that be The degenerate acts bring a soul agony It be a vile aspected dairy of sorts Where hundreds of babies have dark Ragged thoughts They swimmingly wander their mothers desire All Raped by the … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal rape, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Captivity, Dairy farmers criminals, Disrespect of female animals, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Egypt, Emotional Poems, Ethereal Poems, Famine, Farming, Food, Food Processing, Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence, Humanity is a shithouse, Industrial management, Meat trade, Musical Bric-a-Brac, Nutrition, Rape, Simon and Ann, Sisterly love against all the odds, slaughterhouses and operatives, SLAVERY, The dkin trade, The skin trade, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Torture, Unborn yet able to see my dead mother, vaccinations, veganism and me, war zones, womens issues | Leave a comment


Packed with people Who trudged their way in pain Told to go where it was safe Where bombs fall down like rain These evil Israeli aircraft Bombers drop pay loads On the high rise on the low rise on the … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Israel, Palestine, People I have observed, The Middle East, thoughts of friends who have passed on, war zones, Wars, Water and chemicalisation of it, womens issues, zionists | Leave a comment

A friend who just passed

There was always a smile Jokingly he Came across as a man In his company No one felt miserable He was a guy Whose jollity lit up The earth and the sky At Roll rights he cared Heartfelt was he … Continue reading

Posted in People I have observed, The Sabbats and the old craft, thoughts of friends who have passed on | Leave a comment

Loss and consumption

A heart shattering moment One’s pet lost to the world Chopped up by the family In essence the soul hurled Out of its existence To paraphrase a time Of the most upsetting happening Recorded in a rhyme Consumption the emotion

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, CHINA food obscenity, Death and Dying, Dogs, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, EAGLES and their world, Emotional Poems, Extinction, Food Processing, Humanity is a shithouse, Odes of the moment, Sadism, thoughts of friends who have passed on | Leave a comment

George Galloway in Rochdale

Rochdale to the people Under a cold sky George is out there speaking Sincerely does apply His sincerity of purpose He gets to the crowd Suggesting they can lend him Their vote his words are loud The purpose is the … Continue reading

Posted in activism, children and their plight in a adult world, Childrens Poems, Communication and Leadership, Criminality, Death and Dying, Dreams, Duty of care was always there, Environmental Poems, Ev cars, Explorers and Visionaries, Gaza, Genocide, Humanity, Humanity is a shithouse, Infanticide, Israel, Love and respect, Loyalty, Man unkind's graphic torturing of various souls, MLADENOVAK SERBIA RESCUE, Palestine, philospher, Politics, Portals, Rants, relationships and breakdown, Religion, Rochdale, Sleep, Sunshine and wintry Splendour, The Middle East, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Topical News Stories II, war zones, Warriors from the medic circle, Wars, Winter, womens issues, Workers rights in way off lands, world domination, zionists | Leave a comment

Scumbag killer

A murderous scumbag There’s little 2say How he makes his money On any day Oiling the machinery Of death so that he Can facilitate murder So easily Of the poor cows Coming in sad Held in these shackles Feeling so … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Appliances, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Emotional Poems, People I have observed, pointlessness, Royal gardens, slaughterhouses and operatives, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Turkeys | Leave a comment

Gaza another daughter dead

In her eyes so much fear A soul stolen away With the greed of the other side She had to pay With her life Her poor parents What could they do Protect her In Gaza An Inevitable view He soft … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, thoughts of friends who have passed on, war zones, Wars | Leave a comment

Dead cells

Come with me believe my sadness The intolerance of death too soon Your death camps you created them You love that bloody tune As my eyes weep cold My heart stops beating My beautiful soul then flies You want to … Continue reading

Posted in A not my king story, Abandonment, activism, slaughterhouses and operatives, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Unrequited Love | Leave a comment

Thoughts of samhain

A confirming ritual In darkness we tread Samhain is raging A feast with the dead A believers baptism An auction of grace Solemnists encounter The whitest of face The rusty lock shudders A solitary Photographer comes forth Out of true … Continue reading

Posted in Dreams, Glastonbury where mystery and realiity meeton the crossroads of benevolence, Obituaries, Secrets within us, The crafte, The Sabbats and the old craft, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Thoughts/rambles/dreams/whatever | Leave a comment

Permission to get nutrition

Learning that yearning for mothers milk Mother true rendition All her wonderful caring sharing Giving her permission To sup the warm creation The genes she’s passing on Her spirit and her inner self Which she lays upon Me her waif … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Medical, Milk and its associated problems, Parasites, thoughts of friends who have passed on | Leave a comment

Live exports to the Middle East

The purest the kindest the sweetest Sheep of high hills and cold Grass eating greenery Withstanding weather Owned by the ugly who sold Their life time their spirits abroad Shipped by sea Live exports encouraged And killed there dreadfully.

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Lambs and Sheep, live exports, thoughts of friends who have passed on | Leave a comment

Industrial fish harvesting

It’s frightful It’s horrific It’s calamitous Just so so sickening Each individual fish Is a life force Imagine that sadness Imagine each tragedy Man seldom kind Man sadly blind To each consequence

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Animism, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, commercial fishing, Corporate Giants, Corporate manslaughter, Death and Dying, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Extinction, Food Processing, Fushing aggregate devices, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Man unkind's graphic torturing of various souls, Ocean, OCEANS And water courses, Self mutilation and arrogance, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Topical News Stories II, Vegan Lifestyle, Wild and farmed fish, Wildness is our friend, world domination | Leave a comment

Glades of green

Glades of green Where our Dear Fae Frequent And seemingly do play In the velvet underworld Where we with wildness Find we are hurled Glades of green A kingdom where Memories live And we all share

Posted in Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Ethereal Poems, Faery, Forests and wild places, Green Energy, magick, Melasine and mermaids and, Rituals, Secrets within us, The crafte, The fae, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Unrequited Love, Wild plants some call weeds bot not I, Wildness is our friend | Leave a comment

St Kenelm Church and the Manor House

A genuine Manor House It’s authenticity Standing in Minster Lovell Assuming A vast form a likening A perfect example Classic construction A one off that’s only Created and lived in Clearly Resuming Its beautiful evidence great age and willingness Emptiness … Continue reading

Posted in Breathing in colour, Emotional Poems, Explorers and Visionaries, Forests and wild places, Ghost Stories, magick, The Arts and Culture, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Trees our silent friends | Leave a comment

Ancestral arrival

An amazing exponential benevolence Succeeds From the watching and the guarding Caretaking that feeds Love and great affection Ancestral sentinels Who became my chaperones With, their profound spells

Posted in Activism in art, Rituals, The Sabbats and the old craft, thoughts of friends who have passed on | Leave a comment

A cows lamentation

My udders are sore My udders are raw You expect more My nutritional core All my babies died All dairymen lied All mother cows cried And the milk trade denied Your rotten teeth stank Your humanity rank Our udders are … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Milk and its associated problems, SLAVERY, thoughts of friends who have passed on | Leave a comment

Faith the squirrel has passed

Lovely little faith has died The rainbow bridge is where She now takes up residence In a sheltered copse Clean air hedgerows Natural plants and flowers Herbs and lots of trees For her to climb her spirit Is bound in … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, thoughts of friends who have passed on | Leave a comment

Soul Mates

soul mates The searching is over That knowing was growing inside both on the very same pathway 2 b in the forest,to glide On besoms beyond all horizons The magic of being seeing The glowing the knowing the care Breaking … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems, Explorers and Visionaries, Love poems, relationships and breakdown, Rex's Little Bits of Philosophy, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Unrequited Love | Leave a comment

Samhain and the witches celebration

Women are forming a grand celebration to honour The state murdered ladies those  who perished on stakes and on gallows the ignorance so disrespected Which tragically drew on what was seen then as witchcraft and evil these wonderful healers were vilely abused Violence … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Activism in art, The Sabbats and the old craft, thoughts of friends who have passed on, womens issues | 2 Comments

Stone Henge

Come with me be wild and free The Druid orders constancy Robed and well Each ancestral spell Cast diligently The great plain we see The chalk below And earthworks deem Well trodden paths Where rituals seem The ancient emboldened corvidae … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Activism in art, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, The Sabbats and the old craft, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Thoughts/rambles/dreams/whatever | Leave a comment

Do they really have a choice?

It’s November in the forest And all we hear around Are great big roars and bellows Coming from the hollows All that aggressive sound Means one thing All the big Bucks are searching for a mate It can really put … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Rights, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend, Winter | Leave a comment

Stephen Hawking

We all have imperfections It was something that he felt But it fuelled his determination Which obviously spelt The need to be deliberative And speculatively cerebrate the scope of time And by association see An Independent quotient A physicist he … Continue reading

Posted in People I have observed, police making catastrophic errors, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment


Creative comedic laughter and joy A figure of vigour His passionate ploy 90 Long years Entertainment his thing An eruption of mirth From his ardour did bring Heartfelt emotion The notion that he Could work on the boards And intelligently … Continue reading

Posted in Obituaries, People I have observed, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Topical News Stories II, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Stephen Watson

Captain Watson’s brother’s picture of the Dolphins a little poem based around that his creation. Continue reading

Posted in thoughts of friends who have passed on | 2 Comments