We really have to ask ourselves
who the governments think they are
what right do the have in fact
to use the sky and try to scar
the population and to see
if the particulates
would somehow be
used on trial as weaponry
inducing flu like malady
various places took the brunt
it wasn’t any special stunt
it was deadly serious
and it made
many sick
in therm it laid
a vile foundation
of biological germs and the like
no salvation
for any it was downright wrong
and truthfully did not belong
but the they went and did it anyway
made the people bloody pay
put them through the mill a bit
dropping on them so much shit
now its chem trails
god like forces
in the skies so say my sources
cloud seeding and or modification
and its now done on location
aluminium and barium particles
a scary scenario for us all
the scientists don’t have that many
and how much crap does fall
to me its against what we all know
what has the government to show
for the reasoning behind all this
except that they now take the piss
all our families suffer so
with particulates if you are in the know
you rapidly assimilate
the chemicals at a great rate
who the hell do they think they are
blotting the sun they seem so far
off their heads that possibly
they .d do anything to you and me
we are just numbers
that’s our role
they don’t have soul
machines they are
all cogs and wheels
how would they know
how someone feels
that’s why they treat the animals so
and the poor around they don’t want to know
they harm us its a laboratory
experimentation is what we see
and if we die or we fall sick
we’re just a cross wee’re just a tick
on some long form in a dusty file
that nobody will reconcile