Our Captain.Paul Watson

We are the creatures
The Oceanic souls
Huge great hearts
With special roles
Mindful a vast world below
Being slaughtered as well we know

Certain countries
They prefer
To back track and to not concur
With other countries
In the fight
To preserve the oceans
As a right.

To honour service to the sea
Specimens whose reverie
Giant bodies rippling veins
The great whale hordes
Go to great pains
The blues the fins the sperms
We see
Gigantic creatures
The killers orca’s
So many more
Who ply the depths
And want for more

Iceland Japan and Norway three
Ignore the wish of the IWC
Go all out to kill and maim
And that’s despite what people claim
Harpooning souls industrially
Brute force trauma tragically
Busting great hearts every day
Bloodying the salty spray

A champion, Our Captain who
A saviour really his life through
Caring sharing daring He
Spent his life out on the sea
Chasing the Whalers fighting them He
Took them to task he held the key
To unlocking the evil the vast desire
Of threatening whales and in that awful fire
Of stealth and freedom what we saw
Was a man and his crew who we all adore

And humanity what have you done
In the blood lust stench under the sun
Explosive charges hearts cut through
Amazing whales the vast great Blue
Suffering terribly dying slow
The size of some ships as well you know
Exploded the blood lust everywhere
The significant cries and the vast despair

Whose locked up our Captain He
Fought all his life he genuinely
Took on the heathens stirred the foam
The ocean depths became his home
Our protector is in jail
Humanity yes you fail
Us and every creature who
Stood up and was counted
Good and true

Now he rots in your prison cell
Our champion we all know him well
Now an old man of the sea
Cast into japan’s purgatory
The blubber scoffers
The crazy fakes
Carving up their bloody steaks
We whales we great beasts we exclaim
Our Captain our saviour the very same

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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