Cyanide wizardry
Gender of femininity
The planet Moon
Element Water
Power to heal to protect to be
A waxy patina
It’s a hardwood tree
Makes a fine wind break
In Greek EU
Means good or well
And Kalyptos to
Means conceal or hide
It’s buds will be protected
By leaves extraordinary
Seven hundred varieties
Originally grew
in Tasmania
Is absorb the wet
From boggy ground
Remove the sod
Yes pound for pound
It’s a wondrous tree
With a vacant thirst
Wetting it’s whisper
More like a curse
It searches for gold
Where it’s roots may go
By elimination it’s leaves
May show
Minute quantities
An assay
Alchemical feelings
In every way
An antiseptic
A digestive aid
With contagious diseases
It’s there first grade
From the Myrtle family
Improves wild dreams
A water colour it’s leaf hue seems
Magical in so many ways
Catches the light
And seemingly plays
With one’s glancing blinking
Thoroughly linking
Shadows and myriad forms
And ways
If quinine fails
Use it for flu
Dilute it always
With morning dew
A subtle girls of wetness that
Has to be the better bet
The Koala chews upon its leaves
But it’s toxicity
Doesn’t please
Dogs cats and horses
However fall foul
To its acrid taste
And perhaps a growl
Deep down in its veil of tears
Grief and woe perhaps for years
In pursuance of spell like trails
It’s awe- inspiring
Breathtaking pales into a significance
That confounds
us when
We seek its solace we
Appreciate its mystery
A plant of pure gentility
An unbroken line of pedigree
It’s peaceful looking
Bath salts and soaps
Incense and candles
Bugs prefer
To stay away
As if they were
Desensitised and possibly
Stiffened by its formality
A kind of blushing bashfulness
It eliminates the negatives
Anyone bothering quickly feels
The evil eye and then reveals
A need to briskly leave the scene
It’s intimacy is where it’s been
It’s pampering of cheek and hair
It’s like a spell that’s always there
Stuff healing poppets and carry often
Burn them visualising
Hang a bunch over a sick bed and
Place beneath a pillow just understand
The healing quality revealing much
The botherers they will not touch
It’s known as the Holy Tree
By the Aboriginie
Good for cleaning ritual tools
Mental clarity here it rules
Respiratory ailments number one
Actually when the day is done
In reality it’s divine
And can be added to a
fresh fruit wine
It cleanses negative energy
With an undemanding constancy