Tree energy

Forests being chopped down

all around  the world


all that miraculous growth

and we are hurled

Head first into seeing

and feeling how morose

How wasted  these great edifaces are

seemingly each dose

of destruction handed out to them

nature finds its way

of standing firm and remaining strong

in the natural way

we know they  provide oxygen

and CO2 becomes

An exchange

In fact the godly role

it’s as if the trees are chums

sharing and daring each other

Helping each  other withstand

the vagaries of the human

Who messes with the land

trees form their communities

they prosper  and remain

sharing minerals sharing moisture

storing  heat and rain

an Oak has many thousands of

life forms in its boughs

insect life and fungal life

and wild life  and it showers

shade and constant energy

and all around it’s roots

We see a composting medium

and in Spring we see fresh shoots

trees left in true wildness

develop and they grow

being able to sustain themselves

Integrally they know

The  seasons  and they realise

the need for extra power

to withstand the blasts of Winter

and perhaps the odd snow shower

some trees like the cherry

Hold onto their leaves each year

aware of their  need to maintain their strength

When extremes can be severe

they do this a running maintenance

assisting as they must

to withstand man made dramas

that can turn a tree to dust.


some trees  like the Cherry

Normally  smaller trees

when skies are gray

and light is stark

When raking and hagging

leaves it’s mark


a weakening akin to light

can be had it seems

and it just feels right

To retain  one’s leaves

Marcescence the term

to wither or shrivel

The germ

the life force

when sunlight is scarcer the tree

Sees self preservation

as the way to be


stalwart and creative

in woods a creative canopy

having leaves it earnestly

strives to compete

with the larger much  more dominant

and will

also be less inviting to

Deer  predation

Which might kill


The weaker shorter trees

with leaves to mulch in Spring

all the help that’s possible
to its spirit it can bring

trees are so majestic

visionaries in fact

savants of the  forest realm

Externally they react


much like higher beings

with sensitivity

and much admired by creatures

taking up their tenancy.

hugging trees is like feeling

a true hug from a friend

its warm and there’s such honesty

you don’t want it to end

It’s a free  exchange

of combining love with strength

and will and shows

the medium of sharing

and in ones heart and soul it flows.


























About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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