Unrefined and vulgar
as tactless as can be
the unladylike and ungentlemanly like
whose risibility
can be seen as clownish
abnormal anyway
dressed up and on horseback
On any given day
spreading fear and hopelessness
among the wild souls who
go about their lives each day
Doing what they do
up against these hunters
with anguish in their soul
an unconcern for Nature
an indifference of their role
Truthfully just uninvolved
with the wildness and those who
live and raise their families
as animals tend to do.
those who have entitlement
inverted snobbery
haughty lofty swollen headed
know it alls, who be
self important swagger bunnies
Who love formality
dressed to kill
And kill they will
the fox and family
they disrespect our Natural World
in every single way
their irreverence is obvious
their humourless display
detached from all things wonderful
Blind to deaf to dead to
the rapture and the sorcery
possessive penny pinching oik’s
who answer to the bourgeoisie
yes they can whip their horses
and kick their horses too
they can watch hounds tear apart
a vixen good and true
some act like titled ladies
in a big house somewhere
who will break somebody else’s fence
Causing them despair
when the hunt is in
full swing
we are the great unwashed
we are known as saboteurs
we police the hunter types
and watch what occurs
The chasing down of wild life
the digging out and more
trail hunting more excuses
Really to wage war
on the fox and family
Training hounds to chase and kill
Groups of other animals
Their precious blood to spill
narcissists most of them
pretentious pompous twits
just looking at them in their jodhpur’s
they clearly are misfits
its to do with pageant
Fino by the glass
all those coloured cherries
everyones an arse
some are on the council
Possibly MP’s
land owners and farmers
charging rakish fees
You will not find many vegans
hunting that is true
rare steaks in the saloon bar
and foie gras
there’s the clue.
they sleep on down
And wear the furs
Daggers drawn they be
calling us the animals lovers
Real adversary.
wrathfulness and impatience