Geert Vanden Bossche Worked on ebola vaccine
Knows it won’t wash
The filth the injection
Mass experimentations
Across the Nations
Seriously it is obscene
We have to,
all stop this madness
A big rise is coming
He knows
He a pro vaccine man of our time
A great Virologist
An eminent scientist
And it shows
The score he’s been watching
And recording the deaths
The move to just vaccinate all
What we all now have to do
Is say When the jab people call
De pop and GATES really It states
This vaccine developer, He
Is scared out of his wits
How government twits
Are risking us all and
He be
So very knowledgeable
frightened in fact
These vaccines
are good on their own
But not taking out
our own immunity
Now the bad seeds
we have sown
So many dying
and there will be more
This is the vaccine
from HELL
Thats for sure
Mutants and variants
vaccines and more
Lockdowns and masks 1 2 3 4
Fuck up our breathing
lame stream media FEAR
Untested untried
Now its all very clear
Stop all this testing
Stop the vaccine
Its killing the people
Its really obscene
Basically by having a vaccination we increase the serious affects on our immunity
Knocking out our own immune response, in introducing a weapon that aids the virus
So injecting the old and the disabled was a bad idea, an idea not fit for purpose
And injecting the young and the 20- 50 year olds, creates a minefield for them because the virus will find its way around their immune systems so they are now up shit street
All I can say is either or officialdom were impossibly ignorant and or negligent
Or it was mean’t, they want to kill off the old, the infirm, the disabled
The pensioners anyone costing the state money,all people on benefits
Can expect to see deaths rising in their sector
Lets hope the governments doing the dirty work will be brought to account.
The so called science has got it wrong why couldn’t we have listened to eminent virologists
Like Geert residing in Belgium, instead of the scientists filmed at the BBC and with Lame Stream Media .History will hopefully make them pay for having sided with the elite.