Human beings studying the wild souls
Sometimes they
Come up with fresh new ideas
That blow wildness away
Charles Darwin talked
Of domestication syndrome
And we hear that foxes
That are now city dwellers
Apparently it’s clear
They go through anatomical change
Their brains Re smaller they
And their jaws too
Are though similar
Have different jobs to do
The urban fox is rooting around
Dustbins for his food
Frequenting peoples gardens
They do have to be clued up
With where the wild souls are
But in the wilds we know
The food has to be run down
And their wily ways they grow
Man has got that arrogance
Imagining he knows
By testing different foxes heads
And hoping that they show
This remarkable difference
It’s down to man of course
Habitat loss through housing
Apparently does force
The wild ones into gardens
Into dustbin searching they
Don’t need the brain of their cousins
In the wild or so they say
My idea is different
Foxes are aware
They are dealing with the digital set
Whose knowledge just isn’t there
As to wildness few observe
And so brIns don’t have to be
Big and rather cumbersome
When smaller works, you see
It’s a bit like computers
One they were first made
They were the size of motor cars
But now of course the trade
Is getting ever smaller
With even bigger brains
So I prefer this notion
And why the fox still gains
Advantage over humans
Keyed up in the sphere
But have lost the power of reasoning
When the wild ones do appear
Smithsonian had written up
The story though for me
I think foxes are brilliant
And that they will always be
Free ranging and wildness
Will be an integral part
Sniffing around our dustbins
Surely isn’t heart
Wildness in the forest catching
Nocturnal life
Running it down is more favourable
Than dealing with the strife
Of pest control and shooters
Baiting everywhere
And hanging out a window
With a rifle and a prayer
Wild souls need to know the facts
Stay will do not adapt
To humans who are arrogant
Where you always will be trapped