
to Be unresponsive
When keeping a hound
And to be so insensitive
When she’s Round
Left out in the cold
Just every night
Not fed or watered
Of course it’s not right

That was poor “Indy”
That was her life
All day just lying around
And the strife
Of freezing and sleeping
Out in the snow
With no food to speak of
No one wanted to know

She had a place
But nobody cared
When a tourist realised
And then he shared
Some food and he realised
Her mental state
And she was suffering
Which wasn’t great

So he began to feed her
And checked out rescue
Howl for a dog came
And realised who
Had now neglected her
She was alone
Camped on the hotel front
And he was blown

Away by the suffering
This dog’s life here
And decided to rescue her
And bring some cheer
To a dogs life for clearly
Where she did stay
Left her inconsolable
In every way

A lost soul in fact
A refusal to be
In a state of wonder
Now apparently
Resigned to the sadness
And to being alone
No one to speak to her
Nobody she’d known

Now she was being fed
and what they do
Is take her to the vet
Get her spayed
It was true
Checked out and
Given a clean bill of health
And temporary home
And a sharing of wealth

A warm bed some regular food
Life wasn’t meaningless
There seemed a way
Forward and joy
And someone who cared
It does make a difference
You just don’t feel scared

On your own wherever
Whatever you do
You hAve to do it yourself
And then the clue
When nobody cares
And that hurts a lot
So to be in a home somewhere
You know you’ve got

A new lease of life
The old tail starts to wag
A forever home
Could be in the bag
This is Romania
Up on the hill
And that rotten hotel
Yes well it still

Is locked in my head
But now someone cares
And I have a friend
And yes he shares
His ball and his basket
He shares them with me
and my tail is now wagging
Again thankfully

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal rescue dogs, Dogs, Howl of a dog. Org. Bookmark the permalink.

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