A tin tin fan from long ago
Herge the adventurer
Whose flow
Began in 1929
George Remi
Loved his glass of wine
Swashbuckling pirates everyone
And “Snowy” there
To have some fun
Captain Haddock
A character
Comical well they all were
Coffee served
Latte maybe
A Greek maiden
Challenging Athena
What she got
In a phobic sense
Was not that hot
Tedium prolixity
Life’s treadmill
It can get to everyone
Yea even me
But round and round
In an office chair
It won’t get you anywhere
Monotony and a life thats drab
A love sick ostrich
Thinks he had
Best get off with a giraffe
Is good at necking
It’s his view
Clearly not enjoyed by all
It’s driving the ostrich
Up the wall.
Just a few observations from your pages