We are worthy of more
But this life is a war
Of attrition our mission
And condition become
Disabled by cruelty
Agony tenderness
Every absurdity
and no redress
Our life is pathetic
The mistaken belief
That Nature who gave us life
Said some relief
Was possible out there
Until man came along
with his profit and loss
And everything wrong
His erring and perversion
Deluded was he
Maladjusted and evil
and wanting to see
The scales where his profit sits
Weighted on high
And his losses as low
As the fat in his eye
The betrayal of females
Raped milked and lost
their offspring kidnapped
A very high cost
To a mother whose purest intent
Was to be
Loving and kind into eternity
But that’s when the unintelligent
Low brow came by
The dairy farmers who want to know why
Our calves are needing the milk
That we make
It’s not for your yoghurt your butter or cake
It adds to dementia it’s not meant to be
We are ungulates bovines not humans and we
Produce milk for our calves god made it so
Hathor was up to how we had to grow
But you lot the lunatics, insanity
Deranged in so many ways
You unsoundly
feed us on poisons
On soya on wheat
On genetically modified
Dry crap to eat
You milk us to death
With the recombinant strains
Our udders grown massive
And we are in pains
To manage the weight of the udders
For we
Find our legs soon give out
And the pain then it be
Intense and awful
But still what you do
Is milk us to death
When we can’t walk your view
Is to truck us to push us
To beat us and leave
Us deep in our sorrow
Just let us grieve
We moo to the heavens
We sigh to the Dawn.we cry in the mornings
Muffled we yawn
Our hoarseness is silenced
We suffer like crazy
The malaise you can’t see
We feel every bump
Every graze in our skin
Every kick makes us sick
And you think you win
We are shattered by living
And giving so much
You deprived us and ruined us
So out of touch
Now I lay on this cold floor
And nobody cares
Someone might kick me
And lots of them stares
My inactivity
That is my pain
And when the time comes
all the hate and disdain
As I am sent to the slaughterhouse
Hung up And stabbed
My throat torn a’sunder
My trachea jabbed
Before my heart stops
My feet are sliced clear
Every thought I ever had
And One last tear
Rolls out of my soul
And onto the floor
Every cow raped and milked
Was a victim of war