Farms are getting quite a lot of stick
I have to say
The dairy boys apparently
Seem to get away
With lots of ugly goings on
Which the public apparently
Carry on supporting
Which just amazes me
The very nature of a dairy farm
Proves cruelty
The calves rarely see the milk
It goes to us you see
If the dairy is selling milk
It follows calves lose out
And male calves they get murdered
And that’s without a doubt
Frustration clearly sets in
At the production stage
Those that labour apparently
Are very quick to rage
Dealing with the females
That misogyny appears
Relevant and obvious
And raises many fears
Cows are often beaten
And sworn at every day
They all get their tails twisted
Imagine that
How that must hurt
As they
The cows I mean are sensitive
Unlike the labouring men
Who haven’t got compassion
Or empathy and when
Anyone says they have
You bet they prove us wrong
Take a dairy farm in Essex
Where Guy Smith joins the throng
He says he isn’t running the dairy farm no more
But then at Companies House we see
He is said to be a director
That’s curious to me
Owns 100 shares out of 500
Once again
Must be rather upset
That some of his cows feel pain
Some are sexually manhandled
And do suffer abuse
All of this is enlightening
Where management is loose
It appears the working labourers
Get on and do their thing
And the poor old cows get so abused
As do we when we do bring
This to your attention
Because as a vegan I
Wouldn’t touch a drop of milk or cheese
And that’s no lie
It’s agony to contemplate
A cows life for alas
All of them are tortured
And end up dead en masse
Many end up slaughtered in the abattoir
Some are even pregnant when they perish
Yes they are
It upset me no end to say
How cows get a bad deal
And why so many of us think
It’s right
To eat their meal
Milk and cheese and custard
And all the milky mass
And then go onto eat their flesh
Which is extremely crass
The cows do need protecting
They are beautiful and sure
Mothers who face kidnap
Really more and more
And know their little babies
Are often shot at Dawn
Or worse still Left chained fed on slops
YES VEAL calves and more scorn.