Whaling and Japan

Japan has got to change its tune on whaling
Painting RESEARCH, on whalers doesn’t cut
The ice with any sane soul blooming anywhere
The Southern Ocean Sanctuary stays shut!
Sending whaling ships into that area
Is a devilishly foolish thing to do
Whales must not be murdered its a dirty evil game
And one that no one wants now, only you
Eating whales is getting very dangerous
Theyre loaded now with chemicals galore
Pcb’s and Mercury, carcingenic every one
it really is a most horrific storeThey have brains 7 times the size of anyone
Of us, which means of course their intelligence is high
Sophisticates in communication with a vast inbuilt technology
And to use harpoons and listen to them die
Is a vile and sick deliberate misdemeanor
Its a waste of all their energy and power
Those factory ships are inhumane and pointless
slaughtering, regardless every hour.

Sea Shepherd captained by the brave Paul Watson
Who takes it on himself to sail the seas
Protecting whales and Dolphins and more creatures
And December sees him chase the japanese
Into the Southern Ocean off Antartica
Monstrous waves and Icebergs all the way
Storms that slow a vessle down considerably
And all aong a cat and mouse display

The skull and crossbones marks them out as pirates
They wear their courage on their sleeves for we
Can see the dangers beckoning this valiant
little crew
Who put themselves in harms way for thats all they can do
To try and stop the harpoon, being fired but often still
They fire the great harpoon over our heads
and watch blood spill
Out of the poor creatures, often from its spout
The agony personified now witnessed without doubt
The poor thing then dies slowly pumping out its blood
and is dragged on up into the ship drowning in a flood
Of its own making lac of air and blood creates a place
Where something of this magnitude should never ever face
Utter gruesome agony as a great spirit doth die
To be sold for next to nothing back in Tokyo
but why?
What makes the Japanese continue doing this
They realise the flesh is very poor
They know its laden with some horrid chemicals
With each years catch thats loaded, more and more
But still under the guise of so called RESEARCH
They hunt our precious earthlings down and kill
And if it were not for the Captain and his just amazing crew
hundreds more would have perished, yes the chill
A Wind of terror blows across the icy blue
God help them such creations killed now in full view
Listening to their death cries that carry miles away
The effect on those who hear them, each dark and dismal day
And When the ships are close and then remarkably one whalng, and one protesting
Where that s when the climes
are freezing, where there’s waves which come a crashing down
These you know are very testing times

Devine wind seems to me to be most apt in this regard
When Inflatables take on the ships and they never drop their guard
And so frost flying everywhere and icicles and spray
Sea Sheherds small flotilla hopes to frighten them away

Water cannon trained on you, bolts thrown and all sorts
The ships both rolling violently what comes into one’s thoughts
Is ending in the water means death will surely be
The only outcome possible so we hang definately
as a harpoon thuds into its prey out there in the sea
And a fountain of brine and blood shoot forth
a death knell so clearly

The radio’s are buzzing, the hoses how they spray
Bobbing ever closer, and there’s contact right away
A crunching horrid grating sound that promises far more, and delivers a grinding omen but I’m not exactly sure
As to what we can do, apparently its quite slight
so we carry on regardless no we won’t give up our fight.

The Japanese have promised a patrol boat
to protect
Sea Shepherd says no matter he wll still elect
To position his craft on the side where the whales would have to be
Pulled up to be butchered from the beautiful blue sea

And this means confrontation and I say rightly so
The pirates have to win out there
For us activists do grow
We need to support them more of course
give what we can afford
For they are clearly up against it
That dire explosive sword

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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