A kingliness presents itself
When a face like this you see
Around the Congo basin
Is where they choose to be
In densely wooden foliage
On the mountainside
These really handsome creatures
Clearly like to hide
Virunga National Park
And extensive hideaway
Where these realtively friendly creatures
Can be seen any day
The silverbacks they clearly are
A squiredom of of their own
Really shiny ebony
And as hard as a stone
This was the mountain gorilla
In family units they
Live and die up on the mountain
Feeding along the way
What has become a problem
Is the logging bands who come
And who build roads into forest
And there are now some
An where access is provided
Then we of course will see
Poachers coming down those road
And killing food from free
And so the gorillas get it
And a number of them are killed
Bush meat is a reason
For their blood now being spilled
A basket full of lovely hands
And lower arms as well
These poacher men were clearly
Bandits out of hell
Feet as well as souvenirs
And worth a 5 dollar bill
Really beautiful animals
So to see their rich blood spill
And gorilla meat on someone’s hand
It really grabs the soul
To see the individual limbs
Clearly the poachers goal
300 of them killed each year
Many for souvenirs
The shame of these low life Individuals
And it rapidly appears
There is not a lot of money
And a lot of work to do
To look into their eyes and see
Them looking back at you
Really soulful creatures
So like one of us
Except of course they hugely strong
But dont want to discuss
Through eye contact and seeing
And hearing right awAy
And now its very possible
If we get the DNA.
To catch some of these blighters
For clearly the gorillas are
Immensely strong and iconic
And this poaching is so wrong
The silverbacks it dies scar
Defenders of their pack
And if you have no identification
Like a cluck, if you do lack
This you could be charged
And killed
But of course the poachers do
Creep up with their lousy guns
And very very few
Gorillas up against a gun
Are unlikely before it fires
And so the bush meat saga
That the local men desires
Is carried out with the rest of it
And sold far away
And the loggers really
Carry on providing the right of way