Eyes of a pig

For a women to do this
Its a scurrilous act
And affront and an outrage
Lacking all tact
She works in an abattoir
That says a lot
Irreverent behaviour
I hope she will rot
In total contempt
Using pigs eyes she
Stuffs them in her mouth
For the while world to see
How spiteful she is
How sinful as well
She thinks she’s funny
To me she is Hell
Something quite rotten
Her enmity
Malignant and bitter
An atrocity

Total disrespect
For the pig who we know
Are wonderful animals
And she should go
Into the abattoir every day
Till they slice through her throat
And take her away

A vindictive bitch
A pitiless tart
She needs a good hiding
An inhumane fart
All the worst intentions
Parading her face
With eyes stuffed in her mouth
Its a bloody disgrace

Where is humanity
Where did it go
Animals treated abominably
The show
Is one of the noxious
The callous I grow
Tired of this evil
And I dont wish to know

How sick and insane
These carnivores are
Their venality and deviousness
They think they are the star
Performer when in fact they are totally wrong
Really, good for notHing
They do not belong
Anywhere lost in a quagmire of poop
And she should be made to drink all that soup

And who took the photograph
What a sicko
Boorish and loutish
A nauseous pro
She is offensive
And needs a thick ear
She’s pain in the arse
Disrespectful its clear
To A loveless and rancorous
Baneful degree
What she thinks is funny
I do not agree

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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