That poor Serval

The ugliness and ignorance of Africa
The yob culture thats spreads its ugly hand
Psychopathic currency is spreading
Because so many fail to understand
Nature has a wisdom and a balance
Built in protection co existence shares
The Serval is a wild cat whose predation
Helps the humans tribe with its affairs

Creation gave the Serval fantastic hearing
Its eye sight also very very keen
It hunts in tall grass and reeds
And has long legs so to perform
On snakes and rodents this sweet soul it feeds

Insects and birds are also on its table
It hardly presents a problem for those who
Live around its habitat if anything its helpful
So with ignorance the fools know what to do

The Serval really is a friend and ally
What we see is evil in that place
They probably didn’t have any idea
What this animAl was
And how it lives and why they thought to chase

They were not even curious, so uncaring
To allow a fool to torture and to maim
An animal that has as much right as them to be here
And they should all be charged
For I now claim

All animals do have rights
For they were put here
And live their life as instinct told them to
Earthlings have the intellect to follow
Which is why their lives are tested and are true

Wetland habitat of course is sadly
Being lost to expansion of us all
But we must all respect the wild souls always
And be accountable and be on call

To save the wild life it is so important
This Serval is rather like our wild red fox
Seen by some as vermin and therefore can just be murdered
Its the arrogance of man it never rocks

My boat and a growing number really
Realise each of us has a place
What happened here is ugly and brings Africa
To a point
Where it will not be keen to show its face

I feel for that sweet soul so wild so frightened
Held up by its tail and beaten by
A clearly total idiot a heartless brazen fool
Who clearly should have learned by now
That his action would appal

This soul a fellow african
Put there by the grace of god
Helpful to the human
And unworthy of such a sod

To have been put down
And paraded as this Serval was
By a bunch of ignorant arses who should be
It was such a waste of life
Creating all this strife
But all of them
Should now be made to see

Exactly how much agony they caused there
The Serval was their ally and their friend
Africa your ignorance is vital
Imagine now the messages it does send

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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