Ivory and Rhino Horn

Extinction is forever
STOP poaching now
The Elephants and the Rhino’s
Are magical and how

All this bloody rotten trade
The corruption from most high
Government officials
Are at it which is why

Despite the activism
Every single day
The criminals are into it
They walk the killing way

Ivory and Rhino Horn
The Pachyderms are here
They have been around for
But now they have much fear

They are the biggest animals
But still the market grows
And No richer destination
Really we are in the throes

Of a massive need and the markets
Swell as numbers fall
Rarity is the keyword
And prices therefore rule

Governments are at it
Turning a blind eye
The corporate world is into it
And the profits margins high

The march called loudly Cameron
You can have a go
You can if you want to
I’m not sure he wants to know
But the march was loud and boisterous
It flourished in the sun
It went right up to Downing Street
Generally in fun

But very very serious these animals
Need us
The poachers and the hunters
Are like heaps and heaps of pus
Emanating out of a bloody awful boil
Thats evil we all know that
And it makes the sane recoil

The Rhino full of armour
A prehistoric feel
This beast has been around the block
They are the truest deal

This an ugly spectacle
A so called remedy
Rhino horn its the king of quacks
And traditional it be

Purely keratin and a little calcium
Nothing in that horn that cures so why they
Its purely a false market no medicinal worth
Everyone is taken in today

traditional Chinese medicine has got this wrong
Its lies for lies sake and its killing those
The animals the people who are buying it
The march today was important for it shows

So many people care about these animals
Importing them onto European soil
We must step up the controlling of the borders
For actually so many people spoil

These iconic and really very special animals
Extinction is forever as we say
Poaching and canned hunting are anathema’s
Which all of us must make efforts to do away

With any form of ivory for any means
Clearly Rhino horn it must be banned
Its up to Customs and Excise to really go to town
Anything is possible when its planned

More coordination from each country
Long prison sentences for those who deal
Possible the death sentence would be a possibility
Make these poachers realise how real

We all are in the fight against them

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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