Fukushima and Tepco and the future

I am a vegan
And I am proud of that
Pacific ocean fish
Fukushima has it
And it wont be in my dish
Strontium 90 is flooding
Into the ocean every day
Dont believe the Japanese
Whatever they bloody well say

Its really now beyond belief
How radioactive they
Are the fish that try to swim
In the pacific everyday
With cesium and tritium
And strontium, we know
Compared to Hiroshima and. Nagasaki, glow
They bloody glow
They sparkle and of course they die
And so of course will all of you
FulkushimA is killing us
Nuclear power its true

Is as dangerous as its possible
To be on this true earth
And the industry are liars
At an amazing girth
Then iodine oh
goodness me

Can anybody see
Anybody realise
How terrible it be

TEpco did nobody proud
In any single way
Believing the nuclear industry
And how much we all have to pay
Was a big mistake a crucial mistake
To let them walk away
Chernobyl 3 mile island
And fukushima say
This one is the big one
This one is the end
Eat nothing from the pacific
And nuclear never defend

For governments to back them
Shows they are ignorant right through
They do not Care one iota
For the likes of me or you
Or the animal kingdom
This radioactive stew
Will be with us, now forever
Whatever the Japanese do

Forever in the ocean
Forever in the sea
Forever in the air we breathe
That is where it be
Our children
That the legacy
We pass on to them they
Will have to try and live with this
Until their dying day

Which thanks to us will be awful
To me there is no doubt
Raising the radio activity
Thats what its about
Its unbelievably tragic
Its wasteful and we know
That nobody can ignore the risks
For daily still they grow

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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