I love hunting club

The I Love Hunting Club
Appeals to those who feel they do
Based in the Middle Kingdom
In China yes it’s true
100 well heeled business people
Do, do themselves proud
Pay 80,000 dollars
And end up all high powered

The action is in Canada
It’s the Polar bear
They can weigh a ton or more
Though clearly it’s not fair
Armed to the teeth and ready
To blow them all away
They come up with excuses
To make the wild one’s pay

Absolutely no shame
Tarnished that they are
Contemptuous and audacious
For me they are no star
A more cowardly bunch of arse holes
You probably will never find
It’s repugnant what they are doing
But it all part of the grind

And they justify their being
Saying the ice is melting fast
If we stay around to blooming long
Their die is cast
There will not be any sea ice
And the polar Bears will die
That’s their sick excuses
And of course it is a lie

It attracts the trigger happy
Who have no care at all
Killing wildlife doesn’t phase them
They are having a ball
Hunting down the local souls
And shooting them at will
They are endangered sadly
But still they want to kill

Corruption it is commonplace
Amongst the rich who say
Eighty thousands dollars
Is not a lot to pay
For a guarantee of killing
The brave and handsome bear
They have the temerity
To just go over there

And sacrifice the bold ones
Hungry ones who wait
With all the sea ice melting
Their prey is scarce of late
Clearly they are suffering
The vagaries we know
And so these vile dark businesses
Help them all to grow

More evil by the minute
It’s all laid on and right
Airfare accommodation,and permits
And all that shite
Taxidermy making what they kill into a rug
This waste of life is happening
Can’t you feel it tug

Really at your heartstrings
What these people do
And what the world is up against
And some don’t have a clue
They go about their business
In cities here and there
Whilst wild animals are cut to ribbons
And lost in dark despair

W Scott Lupien one of these brave crowd
Going out to Canada and living in a shroud
Of mayhem of his making
Killing as they do
Slaughtering the precious wild life
Which alas is true

Transforming a wild carnivore
Into a fireside rug
What the hell is all about
Perhaps a furry shrug
These marvellous creations
Are not put here so we
Can stalk and slaughter at our will
For hunting clubs who be

Making loads of money
For the drugged up rich who feel
The adventurer is extraordinary
And exciting and for real
They come back with a stuffed paw
A exciting DVD
That they can show to their kith and kin
Who will hate them eventually

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Bears, Haarp and weather moidification, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

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