The man with the pipe
what we should do
is give him, and, the whole
F&M crew
some fatty corn twice a day
straight down their throats
that vile metal tube
that kind of coats
their insides with
agony this is a pain
every day 3 or 4 times
yes yes again
this is force feeding
thats what they do
to engorge their livers
its insensitive too
the toffs were in force
with their posh talk ,I heard
but all seem to forget
the unfortunate bird
its liver inflated times 10
until they
cannot breathe properly
when some pass away
others are thrust in a kind of a tube
and stabbed in the throat
yes, I allude
to the absolute cruelty
that is banned here
but this shop imports it
to sell, and its dear
so many ducks and geese
die and in pain
and F& M are selling it again and again
they have a royal warrant
how sad is that
and the staff try to upset
protestors and don’t bat
an eyelid when the police
come by to say
shut off the megaphones
and go on your way
what kind of country is Britain
allowing these corporates now to display
torture and torment as some
ambled by
they shouted we love it
so really now why
are you here to upset
our christmas display
because of the torture
that happens today
Fortnum and Mason are
greedy and sad
and clearly insensitive
and very bad
they don’t need to support such
ugly food
that on the whole ,most people
thinks is so crude
the boys and girls standing
there getting abuse
from the toffs and the staff
were hero’s
each goose
exploited so badly
and murdered in pain
so I think all of them
should at least think again
their employers are corporate
they are just faces
a bit like the ducks and the geese
all the aces
are taken away
its all deuces and threes
all the big wages
is away with the bees
those toffs in their boardroom
dont care a damn
for the ducks or geese
its only the jam
on the
balance sheet thats all they care
about here
cruelty pays as does
more and more fear