psycho hunting causation of effect

its the psychopathic hunter tribe

after an effect

and knowing social media

will bloody well detect

and generate from AR sources

what is now instilled

in hearts and minds

around the net

the vile abuse thats spilled

animals are getting hit

by all and sundry now

canned hunting farms are growing

its the latest great cash cow

anyone can participate

it all comes back to price

a lion may cost ten thousand

but if a zebra  will suffice

they are syphoning off the big game

to each noble lord

the stress of guaranteeing

what people can afford

and giving a guarantee

on kills its quite a plan

 let the toffs kill the big game

so the ordinary man

can go for the impala and the zebra

and the giraffe

and stir up some emotion

whilst getting quite a laugh



you only need a six year old

displayed on facebook to

get the housewives jumping

and the AR people who

cant wait to bash the hunters

or so the hunters think

its cause and effect

if I must reflect

for we are all on the brink

with ebola running havoc

and bush meat on the rise

this is natures way of fighting back

and hastening our demise


so watch out all you carnivores

who do not care a damn

what you might be eating

that you thought was lamb

might something far worse

really who can say

but Nature is fighting back I hear

and karma could make you pay





About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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