Posiedon Awakens ( the plight of the beloved Seals)

Politics its all about the grey suits

kowtowing to each other

that’s for real

there’s not a person in the world

that know’s what’s going on

when they ever, talk about the Seal



the violence is extreme

its beyond reason

its savage,  loutish

rotten to the core

Canada degrades itself

by condoning it

and I for one, am really bloody




selling it to the Turk is

also crazy

the fashion and the furriers

should be

locked up in a boat with lots of holes in it

and cast out in a shark infested sea


it is such blatant cruelty

and the time has come

and gone, and still

the tanning and the bleaching

and the numb

and all the finishing systems

everything that will

give rise to more

and more pollution

it is happening still!


the clubbing is insanity

these are  tiny dears

whose bloodied milk

drains out of them

at quite a force

who fears

what is the horrid battering


with  those ghastly sticks, on high

their brains are scattered

all over the ice

and by nightfall all will die


they shake, they kind of whimper

as hope fades and their dreams

of ever growing up to be an adult

may be it just seems


impossible to contemplate and why is there so much strife?

how can an incarnation

be so short on life

and be really quite so futile

there has to be some way

of working out the horror

and why they have to pay



Why is it that Posiedon

has not come to their aid

as sea creatures they suffer

the Olympians displayed

the immortal power of being

and all seeing, it would seem

collectively the anger needs

the passion to redeem



there’s apparently no reason

why humans should believe

they must be spawned from devils

fiendishly to grieve

to love, to be fulfilled

apparently possessed

of nothing short of defilement

and a grossness that’s distressed


what other reason is there?

cruel violations, we

suffer at their bloody hands


all born into the extremes

within an icy world

but still

picked off, shot or clubbed to death

and treated as if swill


such a  dire  contravention

such criminality

such illicit goings on

how now can it be?



we all call  loud


asking him to hear

the rabid screams of babies

where purity is clear

whose innocence is obvious

whose simpleness is shown

condemned to flagellation

to the scourging of the known



to a punishment a beating

no bleating can control

a penalty, an infliction

a banishment of soul

whilst castigating bastards

roam free and  clearly wide

and do ruin us completely

and then sod off

and hide



persecute and chastise us

their cudgels flailing fast

our martyrdom, our torment

it seems the die is cast

whipped into unconsciousness

and mutilated so

disciplined beyond the pale

where no one wants to go


every year the same thing

every baby dies

Diabolus is raining down

his power from out the skies

his most infernal torment

was positioning all  your eyes

creating in Canadians and Namibians

a pleasure that’s forthcoming

and will; be

free from all the vagaries

that really do abound

and left in fact to their freedom in the sea

Canada will suffer for its arrogance

its ignorance is a close second too

the Turk and all the others in the melting pot

are going to get whats coming

that’s my view

the planet will not sit back and see slaughter

not on this scale not now any more

Poseidon is angry very very angry

so watch it you are entering the war


our bodies left for raptors

our skins stitched into coats

bags or shoes

its not good news

its not what floats our boats


not  worth contemplating

all those  dollar bills

fill the great contraption

and the corporations tills






About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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