Harvey Nichols Today ( Fur Demo)

Knightsbridge it was buzzing

people everywhere

tour buses were packed

all megaphone aware


those cages of souls

locked under wire

feet sore and torn

their future dire


the fire in their bellies

quenched by the pain

which drives them

through boredom

direct to insane


we the protesters

were there around noon

chanting our messages

to the same tune


territorial freedom

snuffed out for them, they

suffer in silence

more so every day


this is our message

chanted loud and clear

to a few abuses

we hear in our ear


look into their eyes

that’s if you dare

and realize quickly

their souls gone from there


it is just existence

its nothing more

all of life’s passion

they have to ignore



all of the stimuli

draining away

fur bearing animals

that’s how they pay


Dear Harvey Nichols

they don’t care a less

they put on security

with their bright vest


standing together

just to ensure

neither Rex neither Robert

enter their door


I sat on the ground

and chanted away

for 3 consecutive hours

a dramatic display


the choir in the background

follows the note

and the melodious gestures

just kind of float


over the road

in to the sun

into the ears

that’s what we’ve done



handing out pamphlets

telling it all

the fur bearing animals

hooked to the wall


how they do cry

stripped of their skin

and just left to die

a mortal sin



their spirits are broken

their bodies they scar

they go to their heaven

no matter how far


Harvey Nichols  they don’t care

their mission it is  dark

and to those that wear fur

no matter how stark


wander by, smiling others

look sad

I was dramatic today

for I had

thought very seriously

about the way

so many animals

are made to pay.


all of the gang

all worked hard today

we hardly stopped

that is the way

getting to many

helping them see

Harvey Nichols is evil

and sick as can be




either trapped in steel jaws

or farmed on wire floors

whilst the bloody elite

go through their doors


filling their tills

exchanging good sense

with the unethical fools

so incredibly dense


10 of us probably

stood there all day

leading the chanting

each with a ray


of sunlight behind us

the angelic force

that gives us the inner strength

we need of course


at 5 we packed up

and some traveled west

to the Tao eating house

its vegan and  best

then the long trek through Hertfordshire

its been a way

of loving and caring

for earthlings today









About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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