why do they do it
and why us, what for
big as we are
we do still feel sore
about all of the torture
dolled out to us we
are mortified really
no apology
is ever forthcoming
just more of the same
its as if to your humans
its all one big game
to take us from freedom
from openness and
close off our visions
we don’t understand
and we are disillusioned
for those open spaces
the wildness the great sky
those myriad faces
the intolerable torture
dished out every day
tied down to a tree
and beaten we pay
a high price in cruelty
which is your choice
you want us to serve
and you break through our voice
the painfulness tests us
the soreness is there
the chafing of ropes
brings its rotten despair
it provokes in us resentment
and memories long
may come back to haunt you
if you have been wrong
in the fulsome of time
you may overlook much
but we can’t forget
brutalities touch
the bill hook that tears
or the whip that cuts through
the ropes that so burn
plain fully true
we tiny elephants
stripped from our Ma
bludgeoned with hatred
we know where we are
when we’re tied to those trees
and whipped like a dog
our submission we give
your continual flog
is too much for any of us
to withstand
and we break and we give in
to your upper hand
but we never forget
we know who did what
and some day
we might just crack
and if not
we will take to our graves
the memories we
too into our souls
based on your cruelty