We have a created a milk machine
taken a perfect soul
who had been feeding its offspring
for the cow it was a stroll
the instincts of a mother
until we came along
and realised our impact
and where we did belong
the cow produced
some 7000 pounds of milk per year
to feed its children adequately
of that we all are clear
as the cow began the journey
it became a human tool
a milk source for the dairies
who could make who could justify their all
make believe that we were also
the cows babies too
and now with all our doctoring
production became true
18000 pounds per year
the milk machine won’t last
they’ve built in
4 or 5 years
that fast
down from about 20
and that has raised the fears
and at centre page for the milk machine
the once sweet docile soul
whose calves are being murdered
whilst all its milk
they dole
out to all and sundry
to drink and to create
as many dairy products
for the milk maid at the gate
the milk moustache was common
the allergies were rife
our breathing became difficult
the skin rash and more strife
infections they were rampant
the antibiotics failed
everything about your illness
kind of got derailed
lactose was the culprit
but your humans mothers milk
had far more lactose in it
and products of that ilk
bovine growth factor
to tantalise you so
obesity now on demand
its just came with the flow
lactose took a back seat
sucrose, came to the fore
aspartame also evident
the sweetener reached our core
it weakened and it shattered
our immunity did fall
we had produced a monster
who wasn’t there at all
the calf consigned to no where
death its only place
the human child so many
those of the human race
denied the milk of their mother
and instead given the cows
milk mean’t for her offspring
along with all its powers
of growth and true nutrition
doctored by us again
every thing would suffer
a great deal of extra pain
the dairy though would earn a crust
the dairy farmer too
and the supermarkets they would grow
and balloon is what they do
now they are vast great empires
commanding massive space
with aisles and aisles of packaging
all over the place
the dairy counter has exploded
every which way we
see products from the milk machine
not one not two not three
it has become a huge market
the cow though is no more
of course she’s now producing
like she never did before
she’s nothing more than a slave girl
she’s forced into childhood every year
but the child is stolen from her
and instead she knows the fear
production has gone haywire
she’s literally milked to death
everything about her real existence
and each breath
is laboured and is futile
for it slowly drains away
with emotion and devotion
still the order of the day
her heart is quickly broken
her mind sent on its way
her body breaks down rapidly
her legs can’t find a way
to hold herself now upright
a cull or downer she
becomes the farmers nightmare
and the slaughterhouses see
her struggle it is witnessed
her agony and woe
the pain it takes just to raise herself
and how udders they did grow
sores and hair became a focus
and alas TB
and Mastitis and so many other problems
came to be
Imagine for a moment
the plight of the poor cow
they had made her more machine like
she wasn’t aware how
she still breathed and she still thought
but her body had given out
she was part machine and part obscene
and was filled now up with doubt
her 4 successive babies
had been slaughtered, every one
her 4 successive pregnancies
had been rapes
she’d not felt the sun
nor tasted the fresh green grass
it was all soya that was dry
and she had to swallow tablets
and powders and rely
on the pharmaceutical empire
that tortured her inside
her teeth were vile and broken
wild plants had been denied
instinct was very laboured
it was the new ordeal
the farmer gave her everything
but the content did conceal