Imagine being a badger
a bruin or a Brock
Historic names for these wild souls
these days it’s a shock
to be going about your business
in setts in forests where
badgers like to make their homes
and family life they share
Btb Bovine TB
the badgers get the blame
for destroying the dairies Profits
that’s what farmers claim
wildness doesn’t do this
they have no voice you see
created by the angels
way back in history
living in the deep earth
in tunnels underground
each raising a family
thats what we have found
they have been around for centuries
wild as the day is long
insect eating animals
they are never wrong
they are abused for their hairy coats
made into brushes, they
are now being killed by government
because of a BTB
country gifted animals
should respect the gift and care
its ignorant and arrogant
to create in them despair
they have their place
godly given
wild souls of the earth
we should respect their energy
for honestly it’s worth
a priceless sum I tell you
as families they are good
bringing up their children
exactly as they should
They have nothing to do with dairy farms
dairies actually
are kept poorly by the farmers
too much iniquity