The voiceless
Also created souls
With hearts and minds and
Legs and ears
Mice and rats
We’re not created
For sampling
And their torturous fears
Abusing. Animals every day
Swim tests making them suffer so
This is the corporate test of time
Do they drown who wants to know
PETA does it’s a good thing
The Drug companies what do they bring
To the world at large
The testing stuff
I for one have had enough
Prescription drugs from the NHS
Are torturing animals let me stress
They are far from vegan that’s for sure
Such evils people just ignore
The Sanofi test on Rats and Mice
Dropped into water it isn’t nice
Do they swim or will they die
Perhaps we ought to ask them why
Animals are abused like this
Really who is taking the piss
Thanks to PETA and the crowd
The votes the petitions have avowed
To save the critters to let them be
Saved from drowning actually
Being voiceless seemingly
Needs animals rights
To massively
Get to grips with corporate shit
Where’s the judgement
How do they sit
Quietly somewhere
Torturing so
Can they swim
Do customers know
Many write a lot exclaim
The rotten tests our hearts inflame
Godly creatures deserve a place
Not abused it’s a disgrace
And share holders most do not know
But PETA steps up
And it does grow
Thousands of votes
To save those souls
Animal Rights V the trolls