
,Life is weird in many ways
Our health can sometimes be
Getting us down a little bit
Getting tired too easily
A chill, pain in our joints maybe
A fever even, we
Just don’t feel right
Not sleeping well
It might be suddenly

Life can get on top of us
I hear it’s bad for you
You have a problem
It’s difficult
We are on our own, and we do
Realise something has changed
We. Really need to be

Slowing a down a little bit
Going to seE the doc
Having some treatment
Some malady it feels like a shock
To the system an infection maybe we
Just feel a bit peculiar
Some tests really to see

Our feeling towards the dolphin friends
And what goes on in TAIJI
The banging boats the lack of love
It gets to us, we see
A frightening, a pod or two
The seAson underway
We worry of course we worry
About our friends each day

Hearing you have a problem
Its serious of course
The stress in you is weakening
You have this inner force
You fight for the proud dolphins.
Their suffering is yours
Their innocence their peacefulness
So worthy of applause

And you my dear are suffering
Really every day
Fighting off the problem
In your earnest way
Looking in the mirror
Yes you do look pale
Feeling tired and weary
On the daily trail

I know it must be wearisome
It’s a fight with the disease
You are hopeful things will better
Friends around they seize
Every chance to tell you
How shared love can be good
Like climbing up a mountain
You can do this and you should

Lots of friends around the world
Are with you, for they know
Really we are all family
All part of the flow
All your sweet thoughts of animals
The hours you dedicate
The sweet vibrations we all share
In truth, they are great

WE send our love and purpose
We send our thoughts to you
We know how much you love wild souls
And we know what you do
Your precious time you share abroad
You give so graciously
We love you and we care so much
For you my Dear are true

Rest up as best you can

Dear Fernanda x

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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