Ina a magical Moldovan lady
A real carer
Civil and true
A fine-mannered respected
Lady benevolent
Unruffled that is my view
With sparkling eyes
A healthy attire
Beautiful yellow nails
One doth admire
Her smiling countenance
Her kindly ways
Remarkably helpful
And worthy of praise
A bringer of light
Really well spoken
A bountiful might
So very helpful
Mindful is she
Honestly worthy
So worthy and right
Willing to help
In this day and age
Brings Moldova’s magic
And friendship for we
On meeting her realise
A principled state
A model of virtue
Inexplicably great
I met her this morning
A good person she
The salt of the earth
Wanting to help me
An Unassuming air
Kindly and welcoming
Just wanting to care
Where Dragons and Giants
Once walked on the plain
Following History’s
Wondrous refrain
To meet with this lady
Ones set fine and feels
Mutual goodwill
It’s what she reveals.
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