Shapiro is on record telling Conway
He need not worry Terminator will
Be locked up in some great Monsanto cupboard
Sterile seed it blew a kind of chill
Up the trouser legs of many people
The Rockerfeller’s shivered in their shoes
Delta/Pine Monsanto and the others
For really this had become awful news
Lots of concerned people began scribing
Almost every country on the globe
Protests coming every blooming which way
And clearly Conway felt the sense of Job
Called the great Monsanto to his table
And whispered little nothings in each ear
Synonymous with corporate greed, it’s had it
the public won’t put up with it around here
USDA although looks in a bad position
Defending this technology now means
Since it’s all been chucked out by people everywhere
And not just only by our friends the “greens”
I feel the blooming government should tell them
Sorry lads we have to say farewell
You can take your Terminator with you
And find your own way down the road to hell
Monsanto is a company with problems
It’s arrogance has meant it’s on a low
In people’s estimations it’s a monster
That even little children seem to know
I personally think that all of this must carry
On the fight for there’s no doubt that we
Will see that Terminator in the future
Taken out and dusted wait and see
We just can’t trust these huge great Corporations
They say one thing and do a whole lot more
It’s clear to people around the world we have to
Watch them closely to be blooming sure.
22nd October 1999
A reply to my poem by Michael Roboz