Some people just don’t think

she wanted  a unique table setting

a piece of extraordinary art

a sculpture of something original

something that  comes from the heart

outside in her garden

an ants nest

millions were at it, and they

were building their  cavernouse colony

working their small butts away


she discussed with her husband

an idea

molten aluminum  could  he

arrange for a pot of it  poured into the nest

and cooled

such corrupt villainy


she had seen on you tube this had happened

and the resulting sculpture unique

so he melted the metal

and did  what she asked

Ensuring that it didnt leak


when cooled together

.they dug out the nest

encrusted in metal and they

the millions of minions

the tunnels the caverns

the grotto’s were there on display


as light as a feather shiny as hell

a graveyard of motionless ants

where was her conscience flagrant was she

she thought she was  clever

such infamy


the babies the queen the whole family tree

her massive misdemmeanour

could she ever free

herself from this burden

so culpable she

could  try to explain away

what folk  could see


admired from afar

by friends who might see

the uniqueness  the evil

nefariously,n. what she prescribed

for the colony who

she destroyed with one act

its what  sick buggers do


no going back

the life force was gone

mothers and children

all working upon

building a home and a source of all good

and annhilated now nobody would

recall their colony not any more

wiped out on a whim

And the reason was poor.











About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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