Wood chip madness

unconscientiousness and falsehoods


the villainous and good for nothing

true venality

a century of  flourishing

of  uprightness to the cause

replaced by the  chicanery

that tragically won’t pause


vast forests of  greenery

air providing wealth

a constancy of innocence

great principles of health

the faithfulness of animals

Koala and Gliders they

are slaughtered by the ungodliness

as the trees are borne away


legends of each moment

magical they be

prophetically creative

vibrationally free

communities so sacred

sentinels  are we


japan is after biomass

with yen to burn all day

60,000 tonnes  of life force

resourceful in every way

Blue Gum  the consortiums

heartless arrogant scum

destruction is their only thought

and my god we see some


Australia takes Aboriginal Land

so easily

steals in the darkness

so much improbity

these artful shuffling larcenists

their treachery we feel

every wangle every fiddle

of course these types conceal


wood chip can you believe this

to burn this energy

with morals of such looseness

accursed flagrancy


disrespect the ancestors

the battle lines are drawn

each spiralling dimension

Every leaf thats torn

a’sunder by the gruesome teeth

the transgression into ill

the iniquity of the braindead

And the rivers of chlorophyll

each sentinel withstanding

a web of life itself

microflora communities

just think for thyself

creation the great timescale


the undeniable  factored in for free

tall trees saplings shrub and thorn

stolen by machine

great robots driven violently

it really is obscene

and not a soul to speak

the politics we know

the grey suits fucking everywhere

the dark web and the low

life the cabal satanic

a sparseness is what we see

a rotten clash of belligerence

and for sure hostility


the Wurundjeri people

the Kulin Nation they

breathe the vital oxygen

their vitalness display

the beginning of  each tiny shoot

uncopied and alone

their eminence was largely

from where they had been sown


the disharmony created

the bedlam of the crowd

the bugger mugger scramble

of course the woodsman proud

Cutting out the greenheart

rupturing the soul

Pickling the spirit

and the killer role


suffocation smothering

vandalism they

Bring their cataclysmic forces

swiftly into play

Suppressing  youthful


every sodding day


and its going to a Japanese

POWER Station, I hear

industrial destruction

and loads and  loads of fear

the despoilers they are out there

giving it their all

tiny pricks with little else

pissing up the wall.







About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Australia and the epic journeys, Breathing and pollution, Death and Dying, Environmental Poems, Indigenous People, Kangaroos, Koala's, Politics, Trees, Trees our silent friends, WASTE EXPORTS, Wild plants some call weeds bot not I, Wildness is our friend. Bookmark the permalink.

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