Hare hunting

The Hunting Act  supposed to

have ended this  horror

The  Evilness out there

And all in plain sight

it isn’t the first  time

And it won’t be the last

Wild Hare’s are hunted

and are  being  killed fast

Hunting with Bassetts and Beagles

and watching

them chasing the Brown Hare

for all they are worth

a dishonest frenzy

of clutter and muster

and Taking place tragically all on

God’’s earth


such violations

Are impermissable

leave  the wild souls alone

Just let  them be

Where is the remorse

it just is fast forward

Let the dogs  out

the illegality

rife in the countryside

so many animals

are being slaughtered

For apparent  joy

guiltlessness artlessness

Immaculate beings

wide eyed and  truthful

Thats how we destroy


And its the narcissists, roguery

So much chicanery

perfidiousness they are rotten  all day

they have no integrity

no code of honour

They should  be convicted

and locked up I say


its their irreverence

scoffing and mocking

They disregard wildness

aweless they be

Supercilious idleness

Their arrogation

blood on the grass

and intestines  we see


Which nobody witnessed

where  is the justice

Where are the police

and the councils

Some may

Be Involved possibly

The worst  intentions

As Its happening under their nose

























Excitement  they muster

the scent  and the chase

to the death

Fatigue  and exhaustion


the cries and the snorting and   yelping


That no ones  reporting

no ones atoning




them down in a flurryThe wise and the wonderful

black tipped ears  hearing


the harriers they

Run with the Beagles

and sometimes  the Bassets

all ready to butcher

and make the Hare  pay

Ignorant  arrogance

encourage the hounds

with their whip and their horn

On peoples landsy








About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, HARES And red grouse, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

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