“Hakka patas”

The unenlightened empty headed
Rural people they
Sometimes suffer from wild animals
Here their crops are on display
And Elephants and wild boar
Where bewilderment exists
Where habitat loss is prevalent
And where some ignorance enlists
Some rather wicked weaponry
One can buy and
many do
Some use explosive powder
And iron balls and its true
Poachers unversed in caring
The wicked who believe
The Untutored and uneducated
That they can achieve
Success safeguarding food crops
And do so with cruelty
Some Create the “Hakka Patas”
really audaciously
Not an ounce of understanding
Just sneering disrespect
For souls
Who walked there long before
The villagers erect
Their fences and their compounds
Or the poachers and their war
Some make them from fire crackers
Emptying powder yes galore
Stuffing it in melons or pumpkins
And we see
These improvised techniques of torture
Explode disastrously

When Chewed up and swallowed
Just imagine the shock,the injury
Mouth cavities split ear to ear
A slow death there will be
It be the bane of the innocent
Nursing youngsters who
Anxiously devour wild fruits
As many of course do
A Sinhala term translates
“Jaw breaker”
We can feel
The agony the taste of blood
What is a vile ordeal
One moment tasting sweetness
The next destroyed inside
These contraptions left
About around forests
Tank bunds and we know
The hostility of villagers
As the jaw breaker does blow

Youth is often susceptible
To this antipathy
An intense dislike of critters
Who steal their crops
Who be
treated with abhorrence
Who get the evil eye
The smouldering resentment
And sadly many die
It happens a lot in Sri Lanka
And recently we see
Keralean wickedness
Such irascibility
It conjures up such anger
To a misanthropic high
And often victims are the young
And the pregnant
Which is why

When it happens
Animal Rights
Perks up and we see
Petitions flying world wide
Such adversity
All the worst intentions
It is a callous thing
To do to our wild animals
Who honestly do bring
Great wonder to the planet
And to humanity
Imagining the awful pain
The pitilessness we see
A slow death, eating, breathing
Drinking every way
Their poor mouths torn a’sunder
Just like that, that one sad day

There was quite a spate
Of killings 8 in all it was
Back in 2020
And, really because
The victims were all Elephants
The inexperienced
fell for the improvised weaponry
Its unjust of course thats true
And whoever carried out this evil
Still not to this day
Has anyone been arrested
They seem to have got away
With carnage on an awful scale
Their irreverence appears
To live within their unmindful state
Long after the tears
Have dried on the many faces
Of Parents who might know
What became of their youngsters
All those months ago

Clearly there are many miscreants
Steeped in vice and crime
Unworthy and graceless
They share the paths of time
Unpardonable and inexcusable
We might pass them in the street
Criminals backsliding brutal
Devils whose hearts beat
To a similar tonal thrust
Possibly a few feet
Who have alas abandoned
And now live with their deceit.
In a small rural community
People must know who
Planted these vile objects
But remain quiet
Thats my view

As to so called poachers
Unlicensed Hunters they
Are arrogant and savage
Its how they display
Themselves so utterly
On the wrong side of the law
They lack all contrition
Hardened sinners yea for sure
They probably left the area
Scarpered,cowards in flight
Heartless wicked immoral scum
Nothing they ever do is right
They should all be banged up in
Some Dirty jail
With rats to bite their butts
And maggots crawling in their ears
And chewing on their nuts

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Elephants, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

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