Sea Spiracy a film
That takes us to another realm
Transports us through reality
And, does overwhelm
The liars and the criminals
That undoubtedly abound
Long lines, trawlers, dredgers
Who tragically are found
Working under night skies
Thieving as they go
Robbing, all that larceny
Poaching as we hnow
Purloiners of the ocean
Filchers of the seas
The grasping monopolistic
The rapacious mercenaries
Their unconcern for Nature
Their inscrutability
Such dourness all with hearts of stone
And dark frigidity
Hoovering up the babies
Unconscious to it all
Creating so much suffering
And angst that does appal
Those upon the ocean
Saving dolphins who
Leap for joy and do employ
Their vivacious crew
Whales harpooned their agony
Pirate ships who come
Taking what is wrongful
Whilst banging on their drum
Causing so much drama
Sadness and true grief
Destroying beautiful habitats
And all beyond belief
Seaspiracy and Sea Shepherd
And others pave the way
Whilst China and other rogue elements
Woefully display
Chagrin and mortification
Agitated stress
Leaving fishing gear around
And dumping it no less
Pollution on a vast scale
By-catch everywhere
Its galling watching mauling
And destruction for the glare
Of course the film has dissenters
Hostility abounds
Rivals duellists
Opposing forces
Their violence kind of drowns
Out the true impassioned souls
The bravery we see
Whose concerted efforts
And reciprocity
Give us a consensus
Rapport and solidarity
Keep us challenging the negative
Fighting off the powers who be
Creating the misfortune
The welfare and well being
The propitious and the flourishing
Who are really the all seeing.