History gifted the greatest
Land animal
Living today the great gods
Had seen
To distribute these herds
On land thought to be
Where they could live
Out their lives honourably
A firmness of purpose
An inclination to be
Predestined to look after
The elephants, we
Salute all those countries
With spirit and soul
Showing ungrudging compliance
And accepting their role
Namibia one of those
Amenable places
But now seem reluctant
With adequate spaces
Dissociation and lack of zeal
Wanting to sell off
Families for real
Apparently so
Wanting to sell off a tranche
As we know
An irresoluteness
And uncertainty
Willing to break up the families
For free
Such sadness such familial chaos
We must
Wonder why they are perverse
Such disgust
From watchers all over
Why brazenly they
Want to sell hunting licences too
So they say
Its characterless its a whimsical way
Of solving a problem
The state of play
Is wonderfully wasteful
And terribly cruel
Its certain back pedalling
Thats going to fuel
The speculation
Of hunting, of reserves
Excuses abuses
A loss of nerves
Animals dying
All over the place
And this new idea
Is a wicked disgrace
To auction them off
What a futile idea
Adding some rules
But its not very clear
There is too much at stake
Its all badly thought out
In your time honoured way
There can be no doubt
For me as I write
Theres iniquity here
It pays a disservice
To those souls its clear
Theres a deliberateness
About what you have done
And it doesn’t feel right
Out under the sun
Hunting is terrible
Game reserves too
Even the thought
Of some foreign zoo
Consigning these angels
Into concrete Hell
To waste insignificantly
For a long spell
Of total abandonment
And abnegation
Many joining a solitary
Excuses by people
Who want to breed
Cattle and farming foods
Spreading their seed
And in conflict with elephants
So they would say
The gifted the incredible
Pachyderms they
Have to be protected
Not sold away
They are priority
And must not pay
Talk of conservation
Is wishful perhaps
But won’t lead to nothing
Its kept under wraps
For The ideas are vulgar
Execrable and they
Must Namibia certainly
All be cast away
The cunning and the guile
And of course the subtlety
It happens in a smoke filled room
All this duplicity
Schemes are woven day and night
The artlessness of now
The hostility its coming
Its challenging and how
Unprovoked aggression
Violence all the way
They better be spoiling for a fight
And its coming any day
And, their is resistance
We shall tussle all the way
Namibia’s corruption
Wins the order of the day