Live exports

Who ever thought up the trade
In the living
Shipping live cargo
In holds far away
Imagine the shock and the fear
And the awe
It pLays with their psyche
And weakens their core

With the roll of the sea
Standing upright together
How stressful this is
On weak and tired legs
Being shunted all over
It really is shocking
Whoever came up with this idea
It begs

Comparison really
Confronting the fear base
Animals use to a less anxious time
In a stable or out in the pasture
A grazing
But now being tossed about
And really no rhyme
Or reason to be there
Sick in ones stomach
Exhausted the motion
The notion unknown
Live exports are fearsome
Gruesome and awful
We shudder we shiver
when a storm is full blown

Rocked this way and that way
The weak falling sideways
Uncared for untended
Unwanted alone
The sounds of the wind and the waves
Crashing over
Those that have fallen
All seemingly groan

The evidence everywhere
some mangled bodies
Shivering shuddering
Angry and sad
A stench hangs around all
The semblance of sadness
Hungry and thirsty
And no one to call

Its not a vacation
Its death at the end of it
Not being fed
Sends a message thats clear
This torturous ride
On a shipment to Hell
Where doubt and uncertainty
Do become fear

The shippers are scumbags
The farmers were thoughtless
They just sent us off
Not a care in their world
Slung into a shit hole
Whose taking the piss
Its so irrational
Where we are hurled

And true to form
The shit hole is docking
The crash of the bow on the dock
We are thrown
The stench of the voyage
And the bruises we suffer
The light is upon us
For we have all grown

Blind to the darkness
And now its all open
Crowds at the dockside
Cars everywhere
Arabs all shouting
Us sheep being bartered
Loaded in boots
For that dose of despair

Some of us throats cut
Out in the street
Wheres the respect
Hearing each bleat
The height of absurdity
Frenzied and frantic
Grotesque and farcical
Thats where we be

A long way from green fields
And, waving gentleness
White fences blue skies
And a passing Dawn
We have reached Hell
Another great shit hole
Resigned to the imminent
Slash of the great blade
And that pain we know well

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Bison, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Lambs and Sheep, live exports. Bookmark the permalink.

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