Two decades on death row
San Quentin his spot
It was Cancer that ended his
Reign and he got
The seed of the Devil
Inside him and he
Lived with his thoughts
For his eternity
The City of Angels
The glamorous set
And the very dark side
Reality shows us
The fallible slide
The whole place was evil
He came from the dark side
And never broke free.
At around that time
Others gained space
One Gil Carrillo a teen
To face
A stint in service
Out in Viet Nam
In the thick of the action
Though he came to no harm
Came back and married
His girl from before
He wanted to dump her
Before he we t to war
Se dumped him revenge
Was his heartfelt desire
But coming back from the front
They both found some fire
And were married by Christmas
He had plans and he
Went if to college
And wanted to be
In service as a cop
On patrol
And he joined up
And worked hard
For he had a goal
To make his dad proud of him
He wanted to be
Something in life
It was no mystery
In March 81 he joined Homicide
The “bulldogs” a team
He would not be denied
He with Frank Salerno
The Boss so to say
The kingpin empowered
With his dominant way
In what is a big area
Their team oversaw
At least 1000 murders a year
Sometimes more
It was violently stressful
The pressure immense
But Gil knew he had it him
It made sense
He could learn from the master
Someone he knew
Someone he respected
Established and true
It was all about discipline