Anatolian Water Frogs
Apparently apart
From living in the brackish ponds
Millions without heart
Are hunted down at night
And shipped over land to where
People love to eat them
Completely unaware
Millions of the caught at night
From Turkey in the West
And shipped by road to France
and Italy And Switzerland
They do not stand a chance
Some 36 million shipped alive they be
Only at destination murdered frightfully
Necks slashed all their guts removed
Legs severed torso’s tossed
Served whilst they are dying
At considerable cost
Alive and whilst they perish
In agony and pain
Looking into the poor frogs eyes
And eating it its insane
These rotten Europeans
Scoff for all they are worth
Their wickedness beyond the pale
Parias of Gods earth
Its frighteningly obvious
The carnage they create
Watching as they chew your body
At an alarming rate
Degenerates transgressing yes before our eyes
Flagrant and obnoxious
It comes as no surprise.
And its totally unsustainable
The arrogance so bad
Everyone a delinquent
Its very very sad
The irreverence and Godlessness
All heathens in way
All rotten recidivists
Wo continue to pay
As for the consumers
They should all be in jail
Their scoffing and their mockery
And still so many fail
All of them are sinners
Every single one
Shameful and disgraceful
When the day is done