Spain talks up its culture
It’s bulls it loves to fight
And what if the poor greyhounds
Who like you love the light
They love to run and feel the air
Cleansing their pure breath
But just because you have finished with them
You deny them that breath
And it’s alright you are Spanish
And greyhounds at the end
Of race time they just cost you money
So it’s something to defend
Take a sack put them in it
Tie it right and into a river in Seville
And just watch it go
The joy of life is everything
For those souls who possess
The taste of fresh drawn oxygen
Denying them any less
Is wicked and it’s hideous
It’s gross vulgarity
Imagine being tied up in a sack
And dumped You can’t get free
This case has been before the courts
And it’s decided that
Prisons isN’t t the way to go
So that is where we are at
Life can just be extinguished
At a humans will
In that case life means nothing
For they could be breathing still
To execute an animal
Just like that for me
Is wrong on every count there is
Or there can ever be
It happens really lots in Spain
Where AnimAls apparently
Their lives their creative souls
Mean nothing a huge travesty.
Spain a worthy name in every sense