
He was born in the Slangkop troop
A complex hierarchal place
A fascinating family
Where he recognised each face
It is very unsettling
For baboons to find their feet
When they lose sight of family
It really does defeat
Their objective of living
Occasioned by the way
There is comfort and a bearing
In how they work and play

As we know he was trapped
And rescued
but instead was then
Returned to Tokai
Which was alien and led
To what is a bout of suffering
His misfortune we can say
He is in a sea of troubles
Concerning him more each day

He Should be home in Slangkop
You can feel his misery
Instead he is with strangers
And it’s is a mystery
As we know they are social creatures
The family is their bond
He now feels the no-hoper
When Previously was fond
Of family and all of his friends
His calamity appears
Hapless and just miserable
And he is close to tears

He needs the help of all of us
To go back where he belongs
Primates miss each other so
They know rights from wrongs
He really needs some help right now
To find his way back where
And we all can help him
And show his troop we care.

Copy to simon.liellcock@capetown.gov.za

Copy to Marianniewoudt@capetown.co.za

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Monkeys and Primates. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Kataza

  1. Shesh says:

    Thank you ~ once again ~ dearest Rex ….the inhumanity of man….we are still fighting for KATAZA ~ my friend

    • Rex Tyler says:

      The fight goes on Its amazing how many people have no care at all about animals
      And do have a go at me for bringing it to their attention Keep me posted anytime you need anything
      And i shall be on the case x

  2. Jean Davidson says:

    Beautiful. Thank you so much

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