In Zimbabwe in Shona
I hear it means POWER
Whose every hour
Has been so disarranged
So chaotic poor soul
Lying in Russia
He had no control
Of his life he was used
As a prop on the beach
For selfies and photo’s
Clearly a breach
Of order and harmony
Abused in this way
So they could make money
And SIMBA could pay.

They were unhinged
And deranged I can say
They broke his back legs
In case he ran away
He had moral power
Which they took away
And he was defenceless
On any given day

Deprived and disarmed
With his debility
How they had harmed
Not only his movement
But how mindfully
He became sluggish
His torpidity

BeSide himself
He felt abused
Tortured and failing
And terribly used
The pitiless Nature
They showed him these louts
Such impetuosity
Left him without doubts
Frightened in shock
Such inanity
Sloppy and sluggish
Their naïveté
So narrow minded
All they could see
Was a chance to make money
Down by the sea

Unsuspecting tourists
Would jump at the chance
Of a photo with “SIMBA“
Doing his dance
Contravening due Care
Mendaciously they
Tortured that poor Lion
Really all day

They duped would be tourists
Deceitful were they
They ensnared his spirit
And drove it away
His graceless appearance
They had excuses for that
The poor voiceless baby
Wherever he sat

They mocked him were cruel to him
Abused him all day
Squeezed him and punched him
That was their way
Of increasing the nastiness
And spitefulness too
So he did what he was told
He just carried it through

As time passed so much pain
His trauma severe
His spinal injuries
And awful fear
They dumped him
In a barn
In Dagestan
Closer to death
Than anyone can

Imagine poor baby
When Putin found out
He ordered an enquiry
On why they would flout
All laws and be cruel
To the point of this crime
Who despite surgery
Still at this time

Was unable to walk
So neglected was he
When nobody loves you
Thats how we see
Life and the future
In our minds eye
And dear Little “SIMBA“
Surely did cry

His heart out his suffering
He was alone
And they were crude
And they beat him
Their evil they’d sown
Down onto “SIMBA”
With severity
They dominated
It was just slavery

His heart and soul
His state of mind
all that inactivity
He couldn’t find
Anything positive
Left in his core
They had both broken him
For evermore

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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