“Little Whisper”

She was laying in the rubble
Rubbish all around
One of her front legs
Completely crushed
By a bike
That’s what we found
With multiple fractures
And infection ride alas
When getting her back to hospital
Really there was a mass
Of infection
And thus surgery
Was the safest thing to do
We sedated her and amputated
The leg
One of the few
She so brave and calm
And when she awoke we knew
She would be more comfortable
Which she was and has been all through

Lots of sari love
from all our lady
Angels who
spend time with all
The patients
For love is what they do
When lowly and when lonely
And when injured to receive
Care and so much of it
Is how we all achieve

Our goals
For “Little Whisper”
Is she Ate food straight away
Now of course She had three legs
But her tail it wagged away
She didn’t have the pain Now
And the angel love was there
So rapidly she did improve
And It just shows how care

And that sense of security
That assurance from us all
She was on sure ground with us
And just loved to play ball
With help she soon was able
To manage on three legs
Rest and play and love and care
Honestly it begs

So much of the spirit
Encouraging her to be
Awake and ready to play
And life again well we could see
She was really very happy
And dignified to be
Among us while she ran about
In what was harmony.

Street angels personified

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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