The blue dress saga 3

Perhaps the most pleasant
of afternoons
I put on my blue dress and go
Out for a walk in the forest
And the fields all about
That I know
A radiant sun will be smiling
With the bluest of skies
Up above
The light has a brilliance
Such clarity everywhere
These are the days that I love

and my blue dress is flowing and
Just feels sublime
It was raining last night
And the grass
it is soft and its pliable
Under my feet
To be part of this world
It’s first class

On a beautiful day
Just perhaps to sit down
On a tree stump
And just dream awhile
In this blue dress I walk
Now many a mile
Thinking and hearing
The bird song and sighs
Watching the butterflies
Coming to sip
On the floral nosegays of

The magick is with me
each moment
The scurrying rodents
have shown
“Hello Mrs Mouse I like your new house
And goodness your children have grown”
The matter of living is purposeful
The dragonflies iridescent display
Melting away in some sunny retreat
In what is a real Easter Day
“I wish we had more rights I tell you”
Said old Mr Rabbit for he
Had run up the hill at quite a speed
Wanting he said to greet me”
He knows me the lass with the Blue Dress
The magickal lady who comes
From the great human world
in the distance
With her eight fingers
and her 2 thumbs

There’s a silence that’s obvious
on this old path
To this place
and I’m sitting here now
I can hear very clearly
A bird or two
and they chatter
But goodness knows how
clearly their playing at
It is a joyful pursuit
It’s good to be
in amongst the wild souls
For close by
there are families of coot
Old Mr Nibbles of Leporidae
has come into the woods
With an eye
Out for his favourite wild foods
And weed
Looking around the dappled lit glades
Hoping that he will succeed

The house arrest programme
Is well under way
But no genuine factor for those
Animal buddies who live in the forest
Living here is where they all chose
A family of rabbits
Lives down by the oak
Casting shadows from a great height
Down to The forest floor
A detached Warren
Always lit up by moonlight.

What is more
Magical, than those pale streams
A great book of shadows
Of everyone’s dreams
Of all of those colours each particular hue
The music of nature
A tiny wee Shrew
“hello Mrs shrew
So how do you do”
A leveret dancing
A big red deer prancing
A wild badger chancing
With So much accord
My blue dress is magickal
its my reward

For I never see people
When I ‘m in my blue dress
Out in the forest
Transported away
Out of focus apparently
To human eyes
But all of gods creatures.
All seemingly wise

All say they see me
But Where would I go
When Their eyes and their hearts
And their minds Love me so
And all this takes thoughtfulness
Such cerebration
talking to animals
Is my salvation

Sometimes with our eyes
sometimes with our mind
With our hearts with our souls
We truly can find
A logical process
A heavenly way
To a land of of pure magic
Where one day I will stay

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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