So a great new idea let’s kill of BISON
900 of them they
Will create a massive market
For the butchers
Who will pay
A high price and the profit
Will increase aggression and
The hides that all that leather
Will then poison the land
Yellowstone needs BISON
Beautiful handsome beasts
Killing them for the cholesterol
And heart attacks the feasts
Of burgers sausages and t bone steaks
Might shorten some lives
As well as kill off BISON
A new battle of the long knives
We need to hold fast people
Not let the butchers kill
And thus alter the countryside
I have had my fill
Of governments wanting money
To murder and to maim
The wild life and the wildness
Which is their claim to fame
BISON are spectacular
In every single way.they can look after the own selves
And flipping day
And murdering them for red meat
And for their glorious hide
Is sacrilege and improbity
Which cannot be denied
Think again your arse olds
Preservation needs
To be placed on their noble heads
When tHe Bison herbs succeeds
America is made greater
The killing fields
It’s builds and builds
If what you do is true