Eating donkey in China

It’s not just Ejiao
From what a hear
Donkey meat is seen
As tasty cheap Nutrition
And altogether green
The donkey lives on grass and hay
And wild plants of the field
Unlike the cow and sheep
And the farm animals
Whose yield
Is all about containment and artificiality
To profit from the deal
Thus they are given GM feed
And chemicals for real

Eating beef and pork these days
Is not so healthy they
Believe that eating Donkey
Is a far better way
These fiends will never go to eating vegan
thirsty cretins most of them
Just prepared to be
Filling their guts with anything
As long as its blood and sweat
So it’s funny to hear that they prefer
Grass fed and are set
On buying up the cheaper cuts
Of going After fish
That’s the Chinese mentality
Which they think is delish

As for WUHAN and sickness
Apparently they don’t care
Wild animals are healthier
That is what they share
The much wilder the better
Because it’s cheaper too
And I hear tastes better
though I don’t believe that’s true

My feeling on the subject
Is shock value is their thing
Eating a donkeys head on Facebook
It sort of helps them bring
A kind of criminality out into their sphere
They think that they are big men
Living without the fear

The world is really crazy
And some people are shot
Away with mental problems
Unhinged and a lot
Are eating all sorts of weird things
and taking drugs as well
Living life in a parlous state
And creating their own hell

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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