The hunting dog

An abandoned hunting dog.thats a dog
who doesn’t want
to stalk and be party
To the killing of another spirit
Which to me
Is genuine and honest
so when they end up on a tree
The minds eye of a hunter
A casual disregard
For humanity and the canine tribe
Who in fact are always starred
In saving and in retrieving not hunting
It’s all wrong
And abandoning a dog
Saying it now doesn’t belong

Is of course abuse at the highest Degree
Torturing the animal
Trying to make it see
The human part of squalor
The evil of the part
Tying it to a bloody tree
Yes right from the start

Clearly a heartless natural
Evil through and through
Leaving a dog tied up no food nor water
Just the dew
to drink
The rain and if no rain fell
The hunter doesn’t think
They are a bunch of a holes
Nothing between their ears
Mostly dead from the neck up
They do not know what tears
They are the soulless crew
Killing is their thing
It’s all they ever want to do
Be the killing king.

anyway this poor young soul
Was tied up to the tree
of course he was so frightened
He didn’t want to be
He was really terrified
Of ghosties in the night
Of everything that moved in fact
He just did
Not feel right

A purple jumper she
Was one of the purple jumper gang
Whose love unconditionally
Was given and felt and who loved her all the more
It isn’t a game they play
All over the floor
I told her that I loved her and
Patted her till she
Was confident and happy
To go on a leash to see
The vet
Who was so happy
A patient of great guile
A clearly knowing individual
With just so much style

Comforted and fed her
Examined her and said
She could remain with all the other rescues
And be fed
and watered and they would try and find
Somewhere for them to go
A forever home will beckon
as her story line does flow


About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, DAR animal rescue, Dogs, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

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