
I was brought into a city pound
A life not worth considering
Uneventful seemingly
Very emaciated
No love around you see
Skin and fur in a matted state
Of neglect, a travesty
Whoever had been helping
Had an inability
And were totally ineffective
Of what they did for me
They were just not interested
And I went down hill fast
Démodéx was at my throat
Their bloody die was cast
The mites and the infection
Took hold and you could see
Clumps of hair were falling out
So much misery
My immunity was shot away
Infections everywhere
Anemia and being so unloved
So much despair

It is hard to recover
When you are all alone
And in the street so many chase
You off and clearly moan
They tell you you are a nuisance
And you had best ran away
The fear builds up inside of you
Every single day
You bolt you food
Ears pricked up expecting
Someone coming an electing
To scream at you that’s what goes on
And you know you had best be gone
Howl of a dog their angels
Helped me overcome
Really helped me emotionally
Helping to give me some
Confidence I didn’t wag my tail
Once, it,
Was fixed, and I
Wanted really just to join
The angels in the sky
But gradually they helped me
Fed me gave me hope
Loved me made me feel their love
Helping me to cope
By Day 10 rubbing my belly
No one had before
They wouldn’t even touch me
Not even my paw

By Day 21 I was wagging
And, playing in the snow
All that white stuff falling from the sky
Gave me a glow
By Day 45 I was playing.with Harper & Bandit, they
We ran about like crazy
Almost every day

And then they came and told me
That I was going away
They had heard of a forever home
In Germany where I could forever play
They would come and say goodbye
In the car with me
But I was going somewhere new
Where I would love to be

A family who would love me
Yes all that way away
And I am living with them now
Thanks to STRAW PAWS

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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