Ducks in Norfolk hurting bad

Every child who has ever fed the ducks
In ponds around
Learns to appreciate water fowl
Wherever they are found
The sadness is that carnivores
Have need to eat all meats
And ducks too find their eaten
As one of life’s great treats
Wild ducks often frequent
The canals and river banks
We see them in the garden cities
And some give our thanks
For bringing wildlife into towns
Whilst of course commercially
The big boys are incorporating
Farming and we see

Huge great sheds of water birds
No water to be found
These souls are designated to be slaughtered
They are bound
For Peking duck and take away and supermarkets who
All now sell the oven ready ducks
To all of you
Imagine for a moment
Water birds they should
Be swimming in the water
Their webbed feet say they could
But the corporate entrepreneurs
Decided what they do
Is crowd great armies of them into sheds
Prepared for you
It’s all for you consumers
Who pay their profit, you
Who walk into the market place
The pristine packs on view
You didn’t see the factory
The farm the slaughter shed
All you see is the pristine packs
And what the fancy labels said

This never was existence
For no water was in sight
The poor things are not swimming
Oblivious of their right
Baseless without reality
An arrogance in fact
And that’s without the cruelty
Some operatives enact
Like Gressingham In NORFOLK
Called last year we heard
In unhygienic factories
To me it seems absurd.
that animals meant for food
Should be kept in conditions where
They could be called unhygienic
Because people just don’t care
Emaciated starving featherless and sad
Lying in their own feces
Some treated so bad
No optical illusion
What we see is true
It was largely substantiated
And I take the view

That living soulful creatures
Cannot ever be
Stock on which there’s profit
To be made it seems to me
Life itself is miraculous
But putting it in a pot
A balance sheet
Of Profit and loss
And what really have we got
Life will be just nothing
Speculation rumour
It cannot be a visionary
Respect of life the gift creation
The miracle that be
Undergoing commercial killing
And Profitability
These ducks were individuals
Each one a beating heart
All this centralisation
Consistency from the start
They are on the treadmill
Robotic that’s their lot
Automatons who will never swim
Until they reach the pot

Reality appears to me
Their lives are inferiority
Total discrimination
The factory decides
Ducks don’t live in water
That disconnection hides
The fact that we are arrogant
Ignorant and worse
It’s all to do with money
In fact we are a curse
On the trade in animals
The market sets the scene
We advertise and profit
The commodity is lean
Unnatural in the scheme of things
Cruelty as well
What we see as profit
Is for ducks and LIVING HELL

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Captivity, DUCKS. Bookmark the permalink.

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